Everything You Need to Know About Baby Bathtime

You are home with your new baby and the time has come for her first bath. Suddenly, you have questions, and lots of them. Is it okay to bathe my baby with his umbilical cord? What should the water temperature be? Can I get water in his eyes? What kind of soap should I use? We’ve got answers to all of those...
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When Will My Baby Smile and Laugh?

Seeing your baby smile, and hearing him laugh for the first time are two of the most rewarding parenting milestones. And we aren’t talking about gassy smiles here. We are talking about real smiles--signs of happiness. You finally get a glimpse of those sweet baby gums. You get to hear the best sound in the world. Your life will quickly revolve around...
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Baby’s 1st Birthday- Ideas for Celebrating

Hooray, you made it! Congratulations on being a parent for one whole year...and surviving. Your baby’s first birthday is a day for great celebration. Many parents look forward to this day for months. Here in 2020, things are a little bit different because of COVID-19, but don’t despair. We have compiled a list of fun things to do to celebrate your little...
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7 Fun and Easy Thanksgiving Day Activities for Kids

Oh joy for fall and everything that comes along with it. Changes in the leaves, cooler weather, pumpkins, pumpkin-spiced things and….. Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday of all because of the FOOD, special family time, and of course, football. As the year wraps up, it’s also the perfect time to reflect on all of life’s blessings and be in a state...
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All About Rainbow Babies

  What is a Rainbow Baby? A rainbow baby is an extra special blessing. This baby comes to you after the devastating heartbreak of a miscarriage, stillbirth, infant or neonatal...
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